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How YOU Can Make an Impact at KCSD

Financial gifts to the Keystone Central Foundation make a difference for current and future students at Keystone Central School District. We will work with you and your family to provide a tailored solution to fulfill your wishes.



Annually, the Keystone Central Foundation manages and awards over 80 scholarships to graduating seniors throughout the district. We work with families to establish the criteria of the scholarship and give donors the flexibility to be involved with the process as much or as little as they prefer.

Learn more about our Donor-Advised and Endowed Scholarships

General Donations

In lieu of a scholarship, some choose to make the tax-deductible donation to the Keystone Central Foundation. These types of donations can be earmarked for a particular school or program. They can also be used to fulfill special funding requests by the faculty or directed to our Stars in the Classroom Mini-Grant Program. We can also work with donors to identify needs throughout the district and discuss ways their gift can fulfill those needs.

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Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)

This is a unique program that rewards approved Pennsylvania businesses with an opportunity to donate to the Keystone Central Foundation and be eligible for tax credits equal to 75 percent of its contribution in the first year and equal to 90 percent in the second year. 

Learn how your business can benefit from an EITC donation

Keystone Central Foundation 

Alumni & Friends Association

Did you know? 

The Alumni & Friends Association is a great way for you to connect with our KCSD alumni and receive great benefits! Your membership dues also help support KCF programs including Mini-Grants and special funding requests. If you're not a member, join today!



Night Flight Golf Tournament

Each August the Keystone Central Foundation hosts the area's only glow-in-the-dark golf tournament at the Clinton Country Club. It's our signature fundraising event for the Keystone Central Foundation. Want to golf, sponsor, or just attend dinner?

Contact us today to be added to the Night Flight email list!

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