With a new location and a new format, the Keystone Central Foundation wasn’t quite sure what to expect from this year’s Poker Run Golf Tournament held at Belles Springs Golf Course in Mill Hall. Thankfully, because of strong community support and a huge volunteer contingent, the Foundation raised a record-breaking $21,700 at their August 16 tournament.
The 18-hole scramble included traditional course games such as the Longest Drive (Winner Evan Walker) and Closest to the Pin (Winner Ron St. Clair), but other games including a Poker “Chip” Challenge and Joker Tees kept the poker theme running all morning. The Poker Run itself was sponsored by West Pharmaceuticals and the winning foursome with a Full House was the ESS team of Jeff Hite, Josh Fuller, KC Schiller, and Andy Hall. The Central Mountain High School Golf Team Foursome (sponsored by King Spry) won the tournament with an impressive score of 53.
The proceeds from this event directly support the mission of the Keystone Central Foundation of promoting academics, cultural activities and other charitable purposes to enhance the education and welfare of students at the Keystone Central School District. This includes projects such as the La Rue Hinchcliffe Stars in the Classroom Mini-Grants and other special funding requests throughout the district.
More pictures from the tournament can be found on the Foundation’s website at www.kcfoundation.com. To be added to the mailing list for next year’s tournament, email keystonecentralfoundation@gmail.com.
View photos from the event on Facebook below.